Wednesday, June 27, 2007


No doubt about is summertime. The temperature and humidity say so. We went to the horse trainers yesterday. The promise to the three kids was that they could get the pony out to mess with before we left. That all went out the window though with the heat. It was just too hot to mess with an animal. They all stand in their stalls, waiting for a cool breeze. Thomas told the trainer he'd be back in December to ride the pony. I hope it will be cool enough to ride sooner than that!!

Last night we got the last of first cutting out of the field. With those 164 bales, our first cutting totaled a little over 1200 bales. If we don't start getting some rain in the area, that will be about all the hay we have for the year. It is VERY dry in our area. There is rain in the forecast, but it is only scattered thunderstorms. What we could use are a couple days where it just settles in and rains. The corn and beans are showing their displeasure at the lack of water. More leaves are rolling each day. The wheat is golden and I suspect not far from harvest. That means we will be baling straw before many more days. It would be nice to get it out of the way before we head to MSU for a week at Dairy Days. Usually the timing is about that week, but it looks like it may be early this year.

Off to the sewing room today. With the hot weather, it is nice to stay inside and get projects done in there.

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