Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Non-resolution Resolution

I am not a New Year's resolution maker, but I did decide that I needed to revive my blog from the total neglect it has suffered for the past 5 months. Okay, I got taken in by the simplicity of Face book. Do you know how easy it is to post a simple one or two sentence statement about what you are doing, how you are feeling or where you are headed is? Easy!!! The world is all about easy isn't it? But easy isn't always good. Although most of my blogs are simple fare, notes about the kids, horses or some other part of life, occasionally I have put serious thought and idea to the keyboard and come out with something I am pretty pleased with. And to sit still long enough to create something a reader might learn from is good for me. So here I sit for a few minutes.....and hopefully I will do this more often.