Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Growing like weeds......

I think that phrase came about after raising meat chickens. Suzanna has a pen of chickens for the fair. At fair time, we will select the two that match the best and that will be her pen of two to show at the fair. These chicks GROW!!! I think you could stand in front of their pen and see them growing. The change in them from one day to the next is amazing. Of course, all they do is eat. They literally sit in their feed pan and eat...then sleep....then eat and occasionally they will stumble their way over to the water dish for a drink. I guess if I sat in the refrigerator and did nothing but eat, you could see me grow before your eyes too. Full body shiver...that is a scary thought!!!!

Last year, we got the birds late and nearly didn't make weight. There is a minimum that the two birds have to weigh in order to show. This year, thankfully, we got them about 15 days earlier and that shouldn't be an issue.

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