Thursday, August 9, 2007


The first day of school is fast approaching....August 23rd will be here too soon. Our kids go to a small Christian school which uses uniforms.

I got on line a couple weeks ago and ordered everything we need for the year. Frustration hit when the girls skirts were put on back order. They are suppose to arrive between August 24 and August 30th. If you can do basic math, you realize as I do, that is AFTER school starts. Thankfully, I am not alone, and as in past years, the school will be flexible until everyone gets up and running on their wardrobes. I sure hope everything fits when it finally gets here!!

Now back to my pickle relish, laundry and a grocery list. There is a long weekend away looming in the future.....just have to get EVERYTHING done so we can relax and enjoy when we leave.

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