Thursday, March 27, 2008

Going missing for a few days

The kids, three heifers and I are heading north this afternoon to the Spring Holstein show. Hubby will stay home until Saturday morning, when he will join us to see Suzanna show her girls. She is pretty excited about showing. She really enjoys it.

I am a little overwhelmed. My neighbor and very good friend normally shows as well, so I have her wealth of knowledge to fall back on. Not so this time. They have too much on their plate already and sensibly decided to fore go taking any cattle to the show. She is still helping me haul up and get set up, but then she will abandon me (not really) she will be there both days and lend a helping hand when needed.

Also, in the past, we have taken our camper and stayed right at the showgrounds. But with temps only in the 40s and a threat of snow and ice, I said no way to the camper. We are bunking up at a Red Roof right around the corner. But.....I still have to organize a home away from home for the gang. So I have a few meals put together that can go in the crock pot. Plus the kids have packed at least 21 bags of stuff to do while they are at the Pavilion (I may be exaggerating.....but they are taking a lot of STUFF!)

So, hopefully, I will still have a sense of humor when this weekend is over. There will be three kids and three heifers still alive and kicking and mommy won't be sitting in a corner mumbling incoherently when I get home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lori, You Rock! I'm sure you might be mumbling by the time this is all done, but maybe not so incoherently! I'm sure you all will have a great time! It is a wonderful way to continue to bond with your kids.