Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Laundry Lesson or Her heart was in the right place

The service tech came out to fix the washer this afternoon. He was puzzled by the very odd noise it was making. It was unlike anything he was use to hearing and had him scratching his head for a few seconds. He decided to drain the water out and then wanted me to unload the wet clothes so he could further explore the situation.

Well, as I began to pull laundry out and pull laundry out and pull more laundry out, it became clear what the problem was. Suzanna had put way too much laundry in the poor washer and it simply couldn't move the agitator. The service tech said that she had put more laundry in my top loading washer than a person would put in a front loader. So once I loaded a correct sized portion, it ran fine.

Like I said her heart was in the right place. Her desire was to get the project done in the least amount of time possible. Can't fault her for that.

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