to throw Sarah Palin under McCain 's campaign bus.
I wasn't very happy with the results of the election, and stayed away from the TV news networks through most of the day, since it isn't a happy, happy, joy moment for me. So last evening I sat down to watch a little on the Fox News network. Now they are accused of being biased all the time toward Republicans by everybody else. Trust me, they weren't last night. To my disappointment, Bill O'Reilly had a correspondent reporting all the juicy details from "McCain campaign aides" who could finally tell all about the real Sarah Palin. She really was dumb, a clothes horse, a hick and a redneck (I am paraphrasing here).
I know there is talk about her running in 2012, which seems like a lifetime away right now. My advice to her, FORGET IT!!! Do you really want to subject yourself to the wonderful, supportive press we have in this country? And I am disappointed that the same John McCain, who tells us all to get along and support the new President, doesn't have a greater respect for the LADY he pulled from a quiet existence in Alaska to the national spotlight. I think he owes her more than a kick in the behind less than 24 hours after it is all over.
I do know one thing, the liberals are getting just what they hope for. If you beat up enough good people when they attempt to run for major office, the good ones will quit running and you can get more of your liberal ideas through the system without much resistance.
And as far as Sarah Palin, I can't help thinking that the only thing she really is guilty of is actually trusting that her ideas would be appreciated enough to be Vice President. Oh, and Senator McCain???? If you had been as strong a conservative as Sarah Palin, you might just have won.
1 comment:
Thank you for a wonderful post! I wandered here from Knolltop Farm Wife and I am so glad I did. My husband and I were lamenting this morning while milking how terrible the press is being to poor Sarah, when the election is over and they really need to shut up about it. I think you probably have it that they are afraid she will run in 2012 and want to get her down right now. For me she took away a lot of the pain of voting for McCain, because I have never been that fond of him.
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