Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Keeping all my hats on straight...

With my busy life, I wear a lot of different hats. Today was a jam-packed day, with lots of stuff to keep up with.

This morning started out pretty typical. I took care of a couple loads of laundry, sorted a ton of clothes, and gave the kids their marching orders for the morning. That covers the wife and mother hat. A call came in from my hubby regarding some business stuff, so that meant I was wearing my Milo Electric hat. I slipped my Knolltop Morgans hat on long enough to call the vet and schedule an ultrasound for Christy tomorrow. We need to find out if she is in foal or not.

Then I got my AgriAutomation hat out. It was a bit dusty since I don't put that one on very often. This is my dads company and he is in Oklahoma right now and needed to get new business cards made before the World Pork Expo in June (yes, this just proves there is a convention for everything). I got the materials around for that project and switched to yet another one.

I have only worn this one once. I filled in for the regular Dairy Leaders Committee secretary at the last meeting back in February. We have a meeting tomorrow night and I still hadn't emailed the minutes from February to the 4-H office to get printed up for review. Tomorrow night, neighbor Melissa will be back on the job and I can give her that hat back.

Then I donned my fair director hat and headed to Hillsdale. My brother would say I put on my crown, since he refers to me at the "fair queen", but it really is just one more hat. I had a lunch meeting regarding fund raising. Got a free lunch out of the deal, so that was cool.

The AgriAutomation hat went back on long enough to drop off the business card stuff at the printer. They promised me a proof on my fax machine within 24 hours and then I can place the order and stuff that hat away for a while.

I buzzed back home and got my wife and mom hat back on in order to finish laundry, straighten up the kitchen, help Suzanna with a sewing project she is starting and answer at least half a dozen questions from Thomas. I even slipped the horse trainer Mike hat on long enough to look something up on the internet for him.

That is when I discovered I forgot a hat!!! My hubby called and asked if I had run two errands for him while in Hillsdale. Oops!!! I managed to get all the way to town and back and never gave a second thought to going to Apex to pay the bill or making sure he didn't need me to pick anything up from American Copper & Brass. So this hat thing isn't perfect, but if I can keep them straight, life goes pretty easy. Oh, gotta go hubby just called and I have to take care of something in the office. On with another hat!!!!!!

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