Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A new Thomas-ism

Haven't shared one of these in awhile, but this one was just too good to pass up.

We added a new kitten to our family a couple months ago when we had the attack of the mice. She went to be "fixed" last Tuesday. Hop-Sing is back and feeling really good. She has a small incision with two little blue stitches. Well, at least it used to be two stitches. She pulled one out on her own Saturday. No harm, according to the vet's office. The remaining stitch needs to come out in a few more days.

This morning I was checking her belly to see if she had left her remaining stitch alone and mentioned to Thomas that I thought I could remove it myself. It is pretty loose and a good pair of embroidery scissors should do the trick. The look he gave me was priceless. Then he asked me "are you sure that is WISE?" (Yes, he used the word WISE!!!) Then continued, "I really think that should be done by a PROFESSIONAL!!!" It was too funny and I walked away laughing, as always.

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