Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prediction for spring......

Many animals predict the return of spring. There's good ole' Puxatony Phil, the buzzards coming back to Hinckley, Ohio and the swallows that return to Capistrano. Around here, we rely on Breezy on the hill.

Our senior broodmare Breezy, who will be 22 this spring, is not one caught in the cold during winter. She typically puts a good, thick winter coat on, way before the rest of the animals on the farm. But, when spring starts knocking, she is the first one to start shedding it off. And this evening, when I went to visit her, I couldn't help but notice, she is just starting to shed. Oh, I know there is more winter out there, but I suspect it won't be long before it finally looses its grip on us and we will be enjoying balmy spring days. At least, I HOPE we get there soon!

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