Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Let the tourguide do the tour......

I dropped the kids off at school this morning, and those were my final words to them as they got out of the car. Why??? Well, today is field trip day and they are headed to the Calder Dairy Farm near Monroe, Mi. This is a working dairy farm that processes their own milk for old fashioned home delivery in the Detroit area, as well as other products like ice cream and yogurt. The kids will be seeing where the calves grow up, how a cow is milked and how that milk becomes the products people purchase at their local grocery store. This is a great thing for schoolkids to see and after having gone to this farm with Suzanna 3 years ago, I know they do a great job promoting agriculture and especially the dairy industry.

Considering my kids have dairy heifers on the farm, a dairy farm just up the road, went to Mooville this past summer, and have been to other dairy related activities, you would think this would be a boring trip. But going with your best friends from school makes it something special. Hopefully, my kids won't try to answer all the questions first and my fingers are crossed that they don't take over the tour and run the place by the end of the day. They were very excited about going and each had $5 to spend at the gift store. I begged Thomas to buy something other than candy, but I can almost bet that is what catches his eye.

I will report back later on the results of this tour.

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